Friday, February 3, 2012

BP# 8 Going Green Again

There are things i can change in my life and how we find ourselves in adulthood and a lot of us don't really remember how we got here. But if you're 'here' and you're not 100 percent happy with your life, here are three things that you can change of that might make you greener.

1- Save energy and money 
2-Plant an herb garden. It's good to have a reminder around of where our food originates.
3- Letting go of bad relationships. 

2- after the earthquake in Haiti , people left Port au Prince and went back to their country , back to their family homes or sometimes friends of family , and so the villages where we work in , although a lot of them were not directly impacted by the quake ,they all had this added burden of new people.Right now in Haiti we do have issues going green as much as Americans.

3- there is one thing that really surprised me about going green is growing number of organizations are going green to greatly improve their reputation.

Monday, January 30, 2012

BP#7 Financial Responsibility

In this article " Financial Responsibility for all : Myth or Reality by Lubie Grujcic -Alatriste shows that Financial responsibility is the process of managing money and other assets in a manner that is considered productive and in the best interests of the individual or family. Many people would also feel that earning educational credentials that are at least university level is also a need in today’s world.Credit cards can teach children how to manage and establish credit records which help out later in life when they are trying to buy homes.And also teaches them financial responsibility. Some parents think giving their child a credit card is a straight shot into debt.Another option for teens and parents to consider is prepaid credit cards. Parents apply for a prepaid credit card in the child's name and deposit money into the account. The prepaid cards can be used anywhere Visa or MasterCard are accepted. They also come with extra features like online account control and tools, financial lessons and interactive games designed to teach fiscal responsibility.

 Furthemore,Haiti takes financial responsibility very seriously. We aim to work as efficiently and effectively as possible to address the needs of Haitians with disabilities. In 2009, 14 percent of the budget of HHH was devoted to administrative costs. This means that 86 cents of every dollar raised went directly to serve Haitians with disabilities.We are committed to the principles of transparency, accountability and sustainability. The Board of Directors appoints a Board member as the Treasurer for a three year term. This is a volunteer position. The Treasurer is a member of and reports directly to the Governance Committee, which is a joint committee of the International and Haitian Boards. 

In addition , As a college student, the easiest mistake to make is letting your newfound independence hijack your finances. It's incredibly easy to spend money left and right when you go off to school, so here are a few tips to live by to ensure you manage your money well.Be responsible for your own spending money: any food, entertainment, shopping, and travel expenses, to name a few, should come out of your own pocket. If you have to pay for your own casual, out-of-school expenses, you'll be less inclined to spend the money.If you have or will have a credit card, you should be ready to exercise great responsibility with it. Credit cards are an easy gateway into a large amount of debt, if you don't manage them properly. Perhaps you and your parents can set a pre-paid spending limit on the card, or you decide it's only to be used in case of emergency. Credit cards can be very helpful in certain circumstances, and you will begin to build a credit history, which is a good thing.

In conclusion,If you have or will have a credit card, you should be ready to exercise great responsibility with it. Credit cards are an easy gateway into a large amount of debt, if you don't manage them properly. Perhaps you and your parents can set a pre-paid spending limit on the card, or you decide it's only to be used in case of emergency. Credit cards can be very helpful in certain circumstances, and you will begin to build a credit history, which is a good thing.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP # 6 Mini essay on Hela and informed consent

Informed consent is a legal procedure to ensure that a patient or client knows all of the risks and costs involved in a treatment. The elements of informed consents include informing the client of the nature of the treatment, possible alternative treatments, and the potential risks and benefits of the treatment. In order for informed consent to be considered valid, the client must be competent and the consent should be given voluntarily. Information on many of the treaties and laws that protect human subjects can be found .At the time of Henrietta Lacks, the concept of informed consent was still in its infancy. Institutions, such as John's Hopkins, where Ms. Lacks received her care, did not have Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to govern and approve their research protocols.

1- In Haiti democratic politics, we delegate many decisions to representatives. But we keep ourselves barred from signing away others, including the decision to waive our voting rights altogether. The question as to which decisions our institutions should allow patients to delegate to third parties is complex and under-explored. when emergency intervention is needed but normal consent cannot be obtained, say, because the patient is unconscious and neither she nor her family's specific preferences can be identified in time, proponents of informed consent often justify intervention by invoking a potentially different form of consent. They say that presumed consent obtains, even if actual and express consent does not

2- doctors have completed their residencies, their formal medical training is finally complete. However, before they can practice medicine, they must get a license from the state in which they plan to work. When they are licensed, doctors may set up their own private practice or join a practice with other physicians. Or, they may go to work for hospitals, health departments, laboratories, or other medical organizations.

Friday, January 20, 2012

BP # 5 Mini Essay on one of the articles

 Congress is fighting to keep pizza and french fries on school lunch lines, picking apart an Obama administration proposal to make school lunches healthier.Some people might suggest that proving a school lunches should be giving .However, others do not agree with this idea .As for me i definitely agree with congress decisions.

First at all,School districts had also objected to some of the requirements, saying they go too far. Schools have long taken broad instructions from the government on what they can serve in federally subsidized meals that are served free or at reduced price to low-income children. But some schools have balked at government attempts to tell them exactly what foods they can't serve.

Furthemore,Health education is also an effective tool that helps improve health in developing nations. It not only teaches prevention and basic health knowledge but also conditions ideas that re-shape everyday habits of people with unhealthy lifestyles in developing countries. Every school should also have some sort of a garden (either on land adjacent to the school or on top of the roof). Gardens have multiple benefits including providing educational opportunities for almost all content areas, allowing kids get to see where their food comes from, being healthy (schools can control how the food is grown and what sort of fertilizers and pest control methods are used), and enabling students to be outside and get dirty (not many classes normally allow for this). 
Finally, One of the easiest ways to improve lunchtime in our schools is to improve food education

Friday, January 13, 2012

BP #4 Going green

1- the more i learn about our food system and how it came to be , the more concerned our children and grandchildren. Growing concerns : animal products are increasingly raised purely for profit ;without regard to proper health.

2-No i don't try to reduce my carbon footprint because saving energy and money is a priority in your business. In addition , the ability to build promote and sustain your products and services as low carbon ,to meet your supply chain demand are equally important.

3-Yes i do have access to store with organic because organic food has become very popular in many parts of the world .Beyond eating more fruits , vegetable, whole grains and good fact , however , there is the question of food safety , nutrition ,and sustainability.

4-''the success of agriculture has been helped pioneer the study of climate change and agriculture .''But i think there's starting to be premonition that it may not continue forever.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

BP #3 Mini research on hela themes.

"Essex acts to prevent mixed races in school". The crux of Zeitz's argument lies in the different messages communicated by secular public schools and private Catholic schools: educational (and religious) differences, he believes, shaped the very different political ideologies that emerged in Jewish and Catholic ethnic subcultures in postwar New York City. In the second and third chapters of White Ethnic New York, he compares the progressive educational philosophy that stressed child-centered learning, democratic values, and permissiveness in the secular public schools with the more traditional philosophy of Catholic schools, which stressed duty, obedience, and hierarchy. These educational philosophies were consonant with substantial reinterpretations of Catholicism and Judaism that were taking place in the postwar era and that were reflected in rabbinical sermons, Catholic newspapers, and clergy pronouncements. While American Jews had begun in the era of mass migration (1880-1924) to reinterpret their religion as one that valued dissent, argumentation, and challenging authority, Catholics were part of a century-long worldwide trend towards restructuring the Catholic Church along stricter, more hierarchical lines. It is difficult to know how much these religious sermons and clergy pronouncements actually mattered in the actual lives of Jews and Catholics; Zeitz offers a few impressionistic accounts of individuals shaped by the ideology of High Holy Day sermons and Catholic school lessons, but he admits that there were many Jews and Catholics whose behavior was not at all shaped by these religious pronouncements. As a result, Zeitz's descriptions of Jewish and Catholic thought verge toward the stereotypical at times. Nonetheless, by emphasizing the historical context in which Jewish and Catholic religious beliefs were being reinterpreted during this era, Zeitz rightly encourages historians to think more closely about the significance of religious ideology in American ethnicity.
"As a nation , we may take pride in the fact that we are softhearted."

The political and economic turbulence of the Civil War years intensified racial troubles. Emancipation was viewed throughout the war as a military necessity rather than a human rights issue. In December of 1865, eight months after the Civil War ended, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution was adopted: slavery was abolished. But even in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the black population in the United States saw few changes in its social, political, and economic condition.

BP #2 Taking advantage

Be thankful for what you've learned . No matter how bad it is ,no matter how much it hurt  the lesson i learned from it is far more valuable , even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.

Even someone took advantage of me or did i wrong , take a minute to actually thank them in my own mind or out loud . Ican bet it will go against every instint in my body ,but thank them for teaching you such a valuable lesson. it will make me that much stronger next time

I think Hela's family feel  mad and sad about it and learned a lesson

BP # 1 intro

Hello everyone my name is Edline
 My major is nursing


 my URL is