Friday, January 20, 2012

BP # 5 Mini Essay on one of the articles

 Congress is fighting to keep pizza and french fries on school lunch lines, picking apart an Obama administration proposal to make school lunches healthier.Some people might suggest that proving a school lunches should be giving .However, others do not agree with this idea .As for me i definitely agree with congress decisions.

First at all,School districts had also objected to some of the requirements, saying they go too far. Schools have long taken broad instructions from the government on what they can serve in federally subsidized meals that are served free or at reduced price to low-income children. But some schools have balked at government attempts to tell them exactly what foods they can't serve.

Furthemore,Health education is also an effective tool that helps improve health in developing nations. It not only teaches prevention and basic health knowledge but also conditions ideas that re-shape everyday habits of people with unhealthy lifestyles in developing countries. Every school should also have some sort of a garden (either on land adjacent to the school or on top of the roof). Gardens have multiple benefits including providing educational opportunities for almost all content areas, allowing kids get to see where their food comes from, being healthy (schools can control how the food is grown and what sort of fertilizers and pest control methods are used), and enabling students to be outside and get dirty (not many classes normally allow for this). 
Finally, One of the easiest ways to improve lunchtime in our schools is to improve food education


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    2. hi there ~
      Eating habit is very important for growing children. School should provide nutritious and organic food instead french fries, pizza, and buggers. So that, the children can protect from kinds of illness and sickness. Think together, what else we can do for providing healthy food for children?

    3. i think it is important for growing children i think u right
